About FreakBuilder

Welcome to your workout and supplement guide to freakish gains.


Like most people, when I started working out I was lost. I had no idea what to do. I didn’t know if I was doing enough or if I too much (aka over training). I felt like I was in the middle of the ocean, not drowning but definitely didn’t know where I was going. Information was out there but was it accurate and reliable? Supplement ads were we EVERYWHERE but were they safe and did they work? I sure didn’t have the money to test them all out.  Over time I figured out what worked best for me-in the gym, with cardio, and supplementation. I’m more comfortable than I’ve ever been with my strength and fitness journey and after spending some time here, I hope you will be, too.


Like said earlier, there is so much information out there and it can be overwhelming, I know it was for me. And the number of “gurus” is constantly growing, as are the supplement companies and their products. I wanted to take all the struggle I went through finding what works and offer that info to others who might be having a tough time figuring out what exactly is right for them and their specific goals, because let’s face it, we all have different bodies and are looking for different results.

Some are trying to get freakishly big, others are trying to get freakishly strong, and still others just trying to get freakishly fit. Whatever your reason is for working out, it’s important to you. Even more important is seeing results and maintaining the momentum to continue the strength and fitness journey. And that’s why I started Freak Builder, to save you time and energy looking for guidance on workouts and supplements so you can spend your energy on what really counts, your workouts.


My goal is to simplify the process of achieving your goals. All the work should happen during the workout, not figuring out what to do or what to take. I want to create a place where everyone from beginner to expert can find something to jump start freakish gains.

Here is where you’ll find results of my years of gathering information and scrubbing it to get only the stuff you need to know to become a freak!

If you ever have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Kai Davis

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